On the 12th of September, the Gamification Global team had a second meetup in Kraków. We had a chance to get to know each other better and make plans.

The morning coffee
To start the day in the most delicious way, we met for a coffee at 9 am. It was – in fact – the first time the whole team saw each other in real life! I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t bring any gifts as a way to brighten up a mood from the very beginning. Here you can actually see our official corporate document folder (as Ike stated) 😁
Gamified chocolate tasting

The Crystal Ball
After a nice morning, it was time to talk business. We explored opportunities with a potential partner, and when it became clear they would not come to fruition, we decided to find a way to achieve something remarkable anyway. This rush of creativity helped us to look beyond undesirable circumstances and find other avenues to explore. I’ll say more; we actually saw a bright future ahead of us in a crystal ball we found in the meeting room!

Dungeon crawling
After a traditional Polish lunch, we headed to our headquarters. First, we had a quick brainstorming session with our friends from Nausika about Krakow’s sustainable future. How will the city look in a couple of hundred years? What kind of initiatives will we observe? After the session, some bizarre things started to happen… We found a loot chest and shortly after… I started levitating, Ike felt weak and needed to have a rest. Thankfully, Nicole and Antonis were there to help. Interesting indeed…

Gamification Global team second meetup
While I had to ‘fly away’ soon after the events in the dungeon. Gamification Global team second meetup was concluded in a Witcher inspired tavern in the Kraków city centre. It was a busy day. The team finally met in person, we had some fun and discussed ideas for the future. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again at the beginning of next year!

Written by
Agata Ciekanowska, Artisan at Gamification Global